Dil boley Digital Signages

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Dil boley Digital Signages


Have you ever felt that something labeled a failure will do really well? Let me give you a couple of great examples of this:

“Laptops are just a phase”, they said.
“Talking doesn’t belong in movies.”  they also said.

Spoiler alert, talking does belong in movies and I’m writing you this email from a laptop. Almost every fantastic idea has been shunned. While I can give you many more examples, I’ll leave you with one more:

“Digital signages won’t last.”

The numbers tell a different story:

Digital displays capture 400% more views than static displays.  

80% of businesses using digital signage have recorded a substantial increase in sales.

And it’s not in just one industry:  

55% of consumers prefer hotels that offer self-check-in digital kiosks.  

83% of patients spend time interacting with a hospital’s digital content.  

93% of manufacturers use digital signage when displaying their products in trade shows and exhibitions.

If I were to show you the story beyond the numbers; digital signages act as bridges bringing your brand's digital and physical messaging together. We here at Channelplay, are always looking for new ways to help your brand sell better.

So, trust us when we say: Digital signages are here to stay and the first movers will have a competitive edge. If you want that competitive edge, then come chat with us.